Tintaguias History
About Us
We are the Girl Scout Troop 2234, Tintaguias, a Legacy Troop that has been based in Northridge for 40 years. As a girl run troop, we take pride in teaching valuable leadership and teambuilding skills to all the Scouts who have passed through our purple gates. Our goals our to have fun and good food, and we make them happen through our participation in many events, including Tambu, GAM, and Patrol Challenge.
Brief History
Tintaguias’s history spans back to the 1970s, when it was originally two troops, the Northridge-based Las Montaguias and the Winnetka-based Tintinabulators. Both troops were active in a lot of Girl Scouting events that still happen today, like Thinking Day, Tambu, and cookie sales. It was not until 1992 that the two troops had to combine to accommodate the Service Unit merger that made the Northridge and Winnetka Service Units into one big unit called “Winnridge.” Following the portmanteau naming convention of the Service Unit, Tintinabulators and Las Montaguias combined their names into our now, famously unpronounceable, Tintaguias. We derive the meaning of our name from the meaning of our two original troops: Tintinabululators comes from the word “tintinnabulate,” which means “the sound of ringing bells;” Las Montaguias is loosely Spanish for “the mountain guides,” or, mountain climbers. Thus, combined, Tintaguias means “Bell-ringing mountain climbers.”
Many traditions that were started by the two original troops were carried on into the 2000s, and some are even still in effect today! Notably, Las Montaguias used to hold powwows with their service unit, that continued after the troop and Service Unit mergers up until 2003. While always having some degree of girl-leadership, the troop has become more and more girl run as the years go by, having the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer available, along with other smaller roles. While the troop has always been girl run, it has become progressively more lead by the scouts themselves in recent years as rules have changed. The patrol system was removed in the mid 2000s and the positions of president became available to juniors as well as seniors. As well, positions could be filled by dual roles (co-presidents, for example).
Tintaguias has and always will be an active part of their community, participating in a wide range of events such as Cottontail, GAM, Tambu, Senior Showcase, and Memorial Day flag placement. Winning competitions like Tambu and Gam are not as important as having a good time and showing spirit, and Tintaguias has often won the spirit award in both competitions
In 2007, the LA-wide scavenger hunt patrol challenge was opened to include Girl Scouts. Tintaguias participated in it and won in the Girl Scouts division. In 2008 Tintaguias won the overall challenge and has continued to win every Patrol Challenge it has participated in to this day, making them overall winners for four year in a row, including Adult Challenge.
The winning patrols were:
Alpha Patrol - 1st place Girl Scout- Senior Division
- 3rd place Girl Scout - Winnridge Service Unit Division
Bravo Patrol - 2nd place Girl Scout- Senior Division
-4th place Girl Scout - Winnridge Service Unit Division
Tin Tin Patrol - 1st place OVERALL
- 1st place Girl Scout - Senior Division
2008 - Team Challenge (Adults)
Tin Tins & A Traitor - 1st place OVERALL gross and net
Tin Tin Tango - 1st place OVERALL
- 1st place Girl Scout - Stoneyridge Service Unit Division
Tin Tin November- 2nd place OVERALL
- 2nd place Girl Scout - Stoneyridge Service Unit Division
Purple Ninjas - 1st place OVERALL
- 1st place Girl Scout Ambassador Division
Purple Buckettes - 9th place OVERALL
- 2n place Girl Scout Senior Division
While a lot of things have stayed the same since the days of yore, there have also been many instances of change and adaptation in Tintaguias history. In 2009, the Service Units merged again, but senior troops did not, fortunately,because Tintaguias is already hard enough to pronounce. Since the closure of Camp Cottontail and the fire at Lakota, Tintaguias has had a harder time putting on campouts, but is still active in creating fun events for younger girl scouts, such as badge workshops, tie dye events, and fun day events!
Cheers: Tin tin tin written by Tianna Maye
Purple Pride and Spirit too- Salia Wilson & Clara Sciortino
T-I-N-T-A-G-uias written by Salia Wilson
Animal: Owl
Color: Purple
Walking Stick: Every troop who attends Tambu has one. Tintinabulators/Las Monteguias attended Tambu from 1976 to 1983, and then Tintaguias started attending Tambu in 96 and has continued to attend every year. In 2012, Tintaguias came in first place in Tambu for the first time. Previously, Tintaguias has won the Spirit award during multiple years. Each year girls add things, and no one is allowed to take anything off the stick. Things that have been added:
“Brian Paul Orion,” a man made out of Babybel cheese wax was added by Kristin Huey and friends in the early 2000s
Purple Pom Pom Owl was added by Salia Wilson and friends in the late 2000s
Ribbons & the word Tintaguias added by Salia Wilson and friends as well
Purple Pinata added by Jocelyn Buhlman and Erica Blanchard in the late 2000s
(No, we don’t know why there’s a green teletubby on it either)
Sleeping under the stars: We have to hike in all our stuff for Tambu, and tents are heavy.
Sour Strips: Started in the early 2000s as a snack for girls helping at Cottontail. When cottontail closed, it became tradition to bring to Lakota/Josepho campouts or just to snack on during meetings
Cup Game: We were doing before Pitch Perfect and Glee made it cool
Special thanks to all the girls and leaders who answered questions to help build this Tintaguias history!
Kristin Huey
Brooke Koenig
Lori Koenig
Jenna McAlister
Clara Scortino
Sarah Scott
Salia Wilson
Tandy Wilson
Love the Tin Tins
researched and written by:
Tin Tin Grad 2012,
Jocelyn Buhlman